Opleidingsdag Advanced abdominal ultrasound course voeg toe aan favorieten
Gevorderd, ExpertEindtoets
JaAantal lesdagen / modules
1 lesdagAccreditatie
6 punten ABC1 (GAIA, CHBB registratie)Tip een collega Direct inschrijven
Kosten: € 750,-
Opleidingsdag Advanced abdominal ultrasound course voeg toe aan favorieten
Tip een collega Direct inschrijvenCursusdata
1e startdatum wordt z.s.m. ingepland.
Deze dag wordt verzorgd door een buitenlandse spreker en zal daarom in het Engels plaatsvinden.
Target audience
This course is for general practioners, internists and radiographers who regularly use ultrasound for diagnostic purposes.
Learning objectives
The goals of this course are to:
- Refresh existing abdominal ultrasound skills.
- Enhance differential diagnoses skills for acute abdominal pain.
- Learn to detect suspicious lymph nodes that need referral.
10.00-13.00h: Refresher abdominal ultrasound. Tips/tricks and pathology
- How to overcome intestinal gas in the upper abdominal region for the evaluation of pancreas, upper abdominal aorta, celiac trunk and SMA
- How to visualize the portal vein and minor omentum for the evaluation of portal hypertension, extrahepatic cholestasis and lymph node enlargement
13:45h: Lunch break
13:45-15:30h: Differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain
- Typical signs of acute panreatitis
- Typical signs of intestinal ischemia
- How to rule out acute cholecystitis
15:30-15:45h: Coffee break
15:45-17:00h: Differential diagnosis of lymph node enlargement
- How to differentiate between inflammatory versus malignant lymph node infiltration (retroperitoneal, inguinal and/or cervical lymph nodes)
- Differential diagnoses criteria for vascular/perfusion pattern and intranodal PI/RI.
Accredited for 6 points with ABC1, GAIA and CHBB.
This course will be led by internationally renowned radiologist Matthias Hofer. He is the author of the book Ultrasound teaching manual. This book is the cornerstone of our basic abdominal ultrasound course. To be optimally prepared for this course, it is highly recommended to study certain parts of this book. When you inscribe you will get the instructions on which parts you can prepare. If you don't already own this book, we advise you to purchase it.
10.00 - 17.00u. A delicious lunch is included. Please inform us on dietary restrictions during the registration process.
Teaching methods
Upon enrollment you will receive the course material in PDF format.
Teacher uses the following teaching methods:
- Lectures
- Interactive discussions
- Case presentations
- Hands-on scanning sessions
Docenten van deze opleiding
De docenten die in het NT-e actief zijn, hebben ruime ervaring in het vakgebied en leren jou de kneepjes van het vak. Ze zijn veelal - net als jij - in de praktijk actief. Wij proberen de docenten zo te programmeren dat je als cursist van meerdere docenten les krijgt.
Deze opleiding wordt afwisselend gegeven door (een combinatie van) onderstaande docenten.
Goed om te weten
Cursusnummer: 8054
Min / max deelnemers:
/ 20
Aantal voorbereidingsuren: 3
Aantal contacturen: 6
Totale studiebelasting uren: 9